Karoo Space Launches New e-Book Series!

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Monday, 29th September 2014

Three exciting new e-books have been launched by the Karoo Space publishing team.

Chris Marais and Julienne du Toit of Karoo Space in Cradock have been hard at work all winter, compiling and publishing their brand-new series of e-books, Karoo Life I to III.

The authors, well-known for their Karoo Keepsakes series of glossy printed books, have ventured into the e-book sphere with a large selection of priceless stories and photographs on all aspects of interest in the Karoo.

“We as publishers now have the freedom to create more and more books on this great region,” says Chris Marais.

“We are not bound by the tyranny of expensive print prices and the costs of hard copy distribution. It’s all about content now, and communicating directly with the reader-traveller.”

He adds that being able to update and re-edit e-book content is a great advantage.

The new books are packed with characters and places, creatures and cultures.

“Everything and everyone tells a story,” says Marais.

From tigers in the Free State canyons to magnificent Victorian hotels in the desert, from a windmill safari to a mission deep into the Richtersveld and all points in-between, Karoo Life I is the beginning of your journey back to the heart of South Africa.

Karoo Life II is a merry mix of spotted cows, wandering Zen masters, Goths in black coats rootling about their local dumpsite, the elegance of a Mother Church, the exuberance of waking up on a faraway guest farm and the pure adventure of following the raging Orange River as it rampages through the Heartland on a summer flooding.

Karoo Life II

Karoo Life III takes on the issues of water and the great question of how one moves from the city to the platteland.

The authors take you to a Karoo wedding, following that up with a drive along the heart-stopping little mountain back-roads of the Little Karoo.

Karoo Life III

You camp out with them at the extraordinary AfrikaBurn Festival in the Tankwa Desert and then they walk you through a seven-year relationship with a magical Northern Cape village called Williston.

“If you love the back roads and little dorpies of the dry South African heartland that is the Karoo, you have two choices,” says Roxanne Reid, a writer and traveller from Cape Town.

“You can fill up with high-priced fuel and go exploring on four wheels, or you can put yourself in the hands of authors Chris Marais and Julienne du Toit and let them be your virtual guides."


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